“Metapsychology” Introduction & FAQ

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Guhen Kitaoka, who is an Innovation Modeling Consultant, graduated from Waseda University, Faculty of Letters, in Tokyo, in 1981 and lived in Europe and the States until 2001 (from 1985 to 2001 he lived in London, UK).

During childhood, he had a series of extremely traumatic experiences at the two institutes for disabled children, where he was admitted due to cerebral palsy he had suffered from at the age of four months. In order to escape from the “hell without exit” that seemed to last forever, he escaped abroad in 1981, and was initiated by an Indian guru on the West Coast of the States in 1983. He also attended a 7 month long therapeutic course in 1983 and 1985, and mastered NLP (Neuro-linguistic Programming) having been trained by the co-founders of NLP, also on the West Coast. In the process, he succeeded in achieving the following three things:

1) During his 20 year long stay in Europe and the States, he was able to escape from the “mental hell” that he thought he would never get out of until he was about 30 years old.

2) Guhen has recently come to realize that the “West Coast culture” that he sees as having created GAFA (Google, Apple, Facebook and Amazon), Microsoft, the last company in the recent neologism “GAFAM”, and even Starbucks, all originated on the West Coast! (As mentioned above, NLP, the communication psychology that forms the basis of Guhen’s life work, was also born on the West Coast, i.e., in Santa Cruz, California).

3) After returning to Japan in 2001, Guhen started to hold NLP certification courses as “prerequisites for becoming a genius” until 2012, by when he discovered that Japanese people who did not have the mindset of “West Coast culture” could not become “geniuses”, no matter how great the NLP methodology taught to them is.

During his executive life coaching (private sessions) business from 2012 to the present, Guhen has successfully “mapped out” the differences between the mindset of the West Coast culture people (who gave birth to GAFA) and that of the Japanese, whose national power has been declining rapidly since the burst of the bubble economy at the beginning of the nineties, and has thus succeeded in “modeling” these differences, and then in developing an explicit set of works that can close the 60-year gap in their thinking patterns.

In particular, Guhen believes that his original discovery mentioned in 3) above is the “discovery of the century”, and founded the method of “Metapsychology” based on this original discovery.

If this discovery does turn out to be widely recognized as genuine, then, as Dr Akira Yoshino, Honorary Fellow of Asahi Kasei and Winner of the 2019 Nobel Prize in Chemistry for the development of lithium batteries, said at the award press conference, “If even one or two companies or ventures equivalent to GAFA are born (in Japan), I think Japan will become stronger”. Guhen believes that the “GAFA-Japan” project could be realized through the Metapsychology method.

Indeed, up until now Guhen has not published any academic research, but this has been in the spirit of his alma mater’s motto “Be independent and original” and the spirit of West Coast culture (i.e., the “counterculture”, or “hippie culture”). In view of his current age of 67, he has come to strongly believe that the only person who can save Japan culturally, spiritually, academically and financially must be Guhen himself, who can objectively see and analyze both the Western and Japanese “gardens” on the two sides of the fence, and has decided to initiate the “Metapsychology” method and to “press release” this page.

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Specifically, Guhen would like to carry out the “Japan’s Resurgence Project” in the following areas:

1. Authoring a book:

Guhen is currently envisioning the writing of a book related to “Metapsychology” (the name “Metapsychology” is currently pending trademark registration). He has published two books from Diamond Publishing in the past, and is hoping to publish such a book, if possible, from a major publishing house.

2. Objective assessment/peer review of Guhen’s work:

Although Guhen has “intentionally” not been involved in academic research to date, he has continued and accumulated original research and actual clinical experience over the past 40 years that he believes is peer-review worthy in the fields of psychology, therapy, hypnotherapy, NLP, spirituality (religious studies), neuroscience, etc., so, by all means, he would like to identify people who can objectively assess/review his work.

Incidentally, Guhen is personally self-aware that his research may be worthy of a Nobel Prize. He would like to continue his academic study at the future Metapsychology Institute, which is mentioned in the next section 3.

3. Founding the Metapsychology Institute (MPI):

Guhen is considering the foundation of the Metapsychology Institute (MPI) as a think-tank. Models include the Esalen Institute in Big Sur, California, which was a worldwide mecca for psychology and therapy in the 1960s and 1970s, and the late Yukio Funai’s Funai Soken, and, as it is also related to the contents of the sections 4 and 5 below, he would like to seek sponsorship and other support from the financial community. 

4. Creation of true innovators:

Domestically, “innovation” tends to be defined as the linking of an existing idea with another existing idea, whereas the Metapsychological method enables one to “get completely out of one’s own existing framework”.

In particular, current social topics of recent years such as “LGBT”, “SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals)”, “Climate change countermeasures”, “Decarbonisation”, “Electric car society”, etc., which many people in the country seem to see simply as “imposed from the West”, all have their sources in the “ecology-oriented” awareness of the “counter-culture” hippies of the sixties, so Guhen’s Metapsychology method could make a significant contribution to those seeking “innovation” in the “IT industry”, “Decarbonisation industry”, “Electric vehicle industry”, “Semiconductor manufacturing industry” and so on.

5. Creation of a “Japanese PayPal Mafia”:

Guhen believes that the “epitome” of the “PayPal Mafia” is the crazy Elon Musk, while he personally believes that he has accumulated enough know-how over the past 40 years to be able to train people of Musk’s or OpenAI’s Sam Altman’s caliber in Japan, using the Metapsychology method. 

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The above are Guhen’s sincere thoughts.

According to the I Ching, the year 2020 was the year of “Kanoe”, which is once every 60 years the year of the beginning of a new era (“一陽来復 (Ichiyou Raifuku)”), and from the year of Kanoe, a new era of upheaval would begin. It is said that unless individuals build new values and organizations develop and utilize human resources capable of responding to new situations, neither individuals nor organizations would be able to survive this era of major reforms, and would be eliminated, if not physically, then spiritually.

In fact, the I Ching’s predictions have come true, as society as a whole has experienced a period of upheaval since the start of the Covid 19 disaster at the beginning of 2020.

In this “new era of upheaval”, Guhen hopes that more and more people will resonate with his vision, which is to make Japan the future world champion, riding on “Noah’s Ark (i.e., the Metapsychological method)”.

You can browse the “FAQ’s (Frequently Asked Questions)” related to Metapsychology at the following link:


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